Thursday, February 23, 2012

Another Hairy Turkish Stud

And a very young one. He has a little secret shared with a clan which I'm also a member of... Comments welcome :-)

Another good-looking boy from Istanbul

This youth from Istanbul, Turkey going by the handle 'Serkan' is looking for more subscribers for his Facebook profile. Given that he has so many gay guys in his friend list, he might not be as straight as he looks. So you might wanna check this one out! ;-) 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Young Cute Turkish Guy

Ran into this one on Facebook and he lives in Istanbul - apparently eager to showcase some of his beautiful self-portrait photos.

There are some very handsome Turkish guys on Facebook and a few of them are open to making new friends - no matter from what part of the world. Write your comments and requests at the bottom of this post and if I receive enough requests, I might have a surprise for you.